How to Help A Fresher to Become A Pro in a short period?

In this era of specialization, there is no space for mediocre talented or skilled people. Especially when the job-posting platforms are swamping with gifted professionals, now if you have a group of freshers that can be transformed into an exceptionally skilled group of pro freelancers, then read on to get clarity about the whole issue.

The Why

First of all, you need to understand why you should train a bunch of fresher instead of hiring pro employees. The answer is simple. These freshers will remain liable to you and your organization, and honing the skills of a fresher is more cost-effective than hiring a pro, especially if you still in your start-up phase. 

The How

Here we will dive deep into the whole training process of fresher to help him/her to become a pro.

Live Project

Apart from motivating your team of fresh blood, provide them the opportunity and scope to be a part of the live projects. Evaluate their skills and help them understand the chance to improve their skills by sharing valuable insight.

Live Project

Sharing Samples

To help them understand the right way to perform and execute specific projects, help them with valuable resources comprising the samples, and needed information of existing or ex-employees.

A Trial and Error Process

Your approach should be trial and error based. Assure them that it is okay to make mistakes as long as they keep learning from them. Never discourage or demotivate them. Let them take time to understand and improve their skills.

Let them Take time

Do not make them feel like they are alone in this journey. A leader should devote his/her time and energy too. Leaders should walk them through the whole process and continuously provide them the info related to the areas they need to work on.

Case Studies

Provide access to the documented experiences of other employees. It will help them realize what to do in a real-life crisis. The case studies will also encourage and inspire them to do better.

Friendly Approach

Compassion and patience are the two main pillars you need to harness when helping someone grow. A fresher will never feel isolated or mortified if you take this approach. Always strive to maintain a friendly approach with everyone.

The whole point is about retaining a team of loyal individuals because they are the real asset of any company or leader.

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